Beef heart is an often-overlooked cut of meat, but it is a true superfood. Packed with an impressive array of nutrients, beef heart can do wonders for your health. 

Heart meat is a concentrated source of essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that synergistically support everything from cardiovascular health and energy levels to brain function and muscle growth.

Healthy grass-fed cows grazing on lush New Zealand pastures—The unique health benefits of beef heart


Article jumplinks:

Nutrients in beef heart

What are the benefits of beef heart?

Beef heart supports the cardiovascular system

How does beef heart improve brain health?

Increase energy with beef heart meat

Beef heart supports muscle health

Healthy hair, skin, and nails with beef heart

How does beef heart support the immune system

Beef heart enhances nutrient absorption

Nutrition facts about beef heart

How often should you eat beef heart?

What does beef heart taste like?

Unlock the extraordinary health benefits of beef heart with One Earth Health's grass-fed organ supplements. Our convenient capsules are packed with all essential nutrients from heart meat, making it easy to harness the power of this superfood and thrive.

Keep reading to discover seven reasons why this nutrient-dense beef organ deserves a spot on your plate.


What Nutrients Is Beef Heart Rich In?


Beef heart contains a long list of health-promoting compounds such as vitamins, minerals, healthy protein, collagen, and other nutrients. Unlike many other foods, beef heart offers them in a highly bioavailable form, so your body can easily absorb and use them.

In many ethnic cuisines around the world, beef heart is a staple food highly valued for its nutritional content and unique flavor profile. In Western culture, organ meats such as beef heart have been largely overlooked, despite their impressive health benefits.

Among the many vitamins, minerals, and beneficial compounds, the following stand out as some of the most abundantly present:

  1. Protein. Beef heart is a lean, protein-rich organ meat. It provides the body with the essential building blocks for creating and maintaining muscle mass, repairing tissues, and supporting overall growth and development. The high-quality protein in beef heart is easily digestible and contains all the essential amino acids needed for optimal health.
  2. Iron. Beef heart is an outstanding source of heme iron. This form of iron is much more bioavailable than non-heme iron from plant sources. Iron is important for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. Adequate iron intake prevents anemia, supports energy levels, and promotes healthy brain function. 
  3. B vitamins. Beef heart is loaded with several essential B vitamins, including B12, B6, niacin (B3), and riboflavin (B2). Together, these nutrients support energy metabolism, brain function, and red blood cell production. Vitamin B12, in particular, is crucial for maintaining healthy nerve cells and is primarily found in animal sources such as beef heart and liver meat.
  4. Coenzyme Q10. Beef heart is one of the most concentrated sources of CoQ10. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that plays a critical role in cellular energy production. This vital nutrient supports heart health, maintains healthy blood pressure, and protects against oxidative stress. The CoQ10 found in beef heart is found in its highly bioavailable form.
  5. Selenium. This trace mineral is essential for thyroid function, immune health, and antioxidant defense. Beef heart contains an ample amount of selenium in their highly bioavailable form. Selenium works in conjunction with other antioxidants in beef heart to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. 
  6. Zinc. Zinc plays a crucial role in immune function, wound healing, and protein synthesis. It is also important for maintaining a healthy sense of taste and smell and supporting reproductive health. Beef heart is a rich source of zinc easily absorbed by the body.
  7. Copper. Copper is another trace mineral necessary for the formation of collagen, energy production, and the proper function of the nervous system. In synergy with heme iron, copper supports the production of red blood cells. The copper found in beef heart is in a form that is readily utilized by the body.
  8. Collagen. Beef heart is a natural source of collagen, the most abundant protein in the body. Collagen is vital for maintaining the health and elasticity of skin, joints, and connective tissues. Collagen-rich foods such as beef heart support skin health, joint mobility, and overall structural integrity of the body.

This unique combination of nutrients works synergistically to nourish your body and help you feel your best. One Earth Health's beef heart supplement is a convenient way to obtain all these essential nutrients in a single, easy-to-take capsule. We harness the power of heart meat to offer a simple solution for those seeking to optimize their nutrition, boost their vitality, and experience the transformative health benefits of this exceptional superfood.

Beef heart supplement bottle and benefits by One Earth Health containing rich amounts of nutrients that promote health


“If you are on carnivore or even Keto diet these are the best supplement you can take, sometimes organs are hard to get or some people just don’t like the taste, this is the next best thing.”


Benefits of Beef Heart


Beef heart's impressive nutritional profile translates into a wide array of potential health benefits. We have found seven ways in which this unique combination of nutrients has a profound impact on your health and vitality. 

  1. Strengthening the cardiovascular system
  2. Promoting brain health
  3. Boosting energy and stamina
  4. Supporting muscle growth and repair
  5. Supporting healthy skin, hair, and nails
  6. Protecting the immune system
  7. Enhancing nutrient absorption

One: Beef Heart Protects Your Cardiovascular System


The principle of "like supports like" suggests that consuming bovine heart meat can directly benefit your heart health. Remember that beef heart is an excellent source of all those vital nutrients that support the function of your own heart. Here’s how:

  • Coenzyme Q10 is crucial for energy production in heart cells.
  • Vitamin B12 is essential for maintaining healthy homocysteine levels. Elevated levels of these amino acids are a risk factor for heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • Vitamin B6 supports the production of neurotransmitters that regulate heart rate.
  • Collagen maintains the integrity and elasticity of blood vessels, promoting healthy blood circulation.
  • Elastin is an important protein that works alongside collagen to keep blood vessels flexible and resilient.
  • Taurine is an amino acid that regulates blood pressure and reduces inflammation.
  • Zinc also reduces inflammation, and protects against oxidative stress.


Two: Heart Meat Supports Healthy Cognitive Function


Beef heart contains several nutrients known to support brain health and cognitive function. 

  • B vitamins, especially B12, play crucial roles in red blood cell formation and proper brain function. Adequate B12 levels have been associated with improved memory, concentration, and mood. 
  • Beef heart contains iron, which is essential for oxygen delivery to the brain.
  • Zinc and selenium act as antioxidants and support immune function, protecting brain cells from oxidative stress.
  • The high-quality protein supports overall physical health, including muscle growth and repair. This, in turn, may indirectly benefit cognitive function because these factors improve circulation to the brain.


Three: Increase Energy and Stamina With Beef Heart Meat


Those who regularly consume beef heart often notice improvements in their energy levels. This nutrient-dense organ meat is beneficial for athletes and those with active lifestyles. Its diverse array of nutrients supports enhanced athletic performance and facilitates faster recovery after intense physical exertion.

The number one reason why beef heart is an energy-boosting powerhouse is its high protein content. Raw kidney meat contains 17.7 grams of high-quality protein per 100g-serving. Together with iron, B vitamins, and coenzyme Q10, beef heart meat supports muscle function, oxygen delivery, and cellular energy production—all vital aspects of maintaining high energy levels and optimal physical performance.

For an even more effective energy-boosting punch, try combining beef heart with other nutrient-dense organ meats. 

One Earth Health's beef organ supplement is a powerful blend of bovine heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, and spleen meat. They’re all packed with a comprehensive array of nutrients that work synergistically to boost energy levels, promote physical performance, and support overall vitality.


Beef organ supplement bottle containing 200 capsules of grass-fed and finished beef to support overall health


“We replaced our multivitamin with this and absolutely love it!! We don’t even take the full recommended dose but I declare I’ve lost inches around my waist!! Definitely recommend!!”

Four: Beef Heart Supports Muscle Growth and Repair


If you’re an athlete looking for a healthy way to support your muscle growth and function, look no further than beef heart. Packed with protein, creatine, L-carnitine, B vitamins, iron, zinc, omega-3s, and CoQ10, this organ meat provides the essential building blocks for muscle tissue. You know all about energy production, oxygen delivery, and protein synthesis, but these essential nutrients also support muscle repair and recovery, making beef heart an excellent choice for anyone looking to build, maintain, or repair muscle.


Five: Heart Meat Keeps Your Skin, Hair, and Nails Healthy 


We may sound like a broken record, but the incredible nutritional profile of beef heart is the driving force behind its remarkable health benefits. This is especially true for the amazing impact these nutrients have on your hair, skin, and nails. From high-quality protein and essential amino acids to collagen, elastin, B vitamins, iron, zinc, omega-3s, and CoQ10, beef heart has everything your body needs to build and maintain healthy, vibrant tissues.

Beef heart's abundance of collagen directly supports the health and appearance of your skin, hair, and nails. With our convenient beef collagen capsules, obtaining the benefits of collagen has never been easier. Order our grass-fed supplements and harness the power of this nutrient-rich organ meat to help you achieve a radiant, youthful appearance.


Six: The Immuno-Protective Properties of Beef Heart


If you're looking to give your immune system a boost, beef heart is a fantastic choice. This organ meat is packed with zinc and B vitamins. These nutrients support the production and function of many types of immune cells such as white blood cells. 

The high iron content makes sure that oxygen is efficiently delivered to tissues throughout the body to enable the proper functioning of immune cells and the production of enzymes involved in immune responses. The selenium and CoQ10 act as potent antioxidants. They reduce oxidative stress and fortify your body’s defenses. 


Seven: Enhance Nutrient Absorption With Beef Heart


Beef heart is the ally you need to provide you with a rich array of essential nutrients and enhance your body's ability to absorb and use them effectively. Heart meat contains factors that promote the absorption of vitamins and minerals, such as:

  1. Heme iron, easily absorbed by the body, improves iron absorption and prevents anemia.
  2. Vitamin B12 is crucial for proper absorption of iron and folate.
  3. Zinc supports the absorption and metabolism of nutrients, especially protein.
  4. Copper works synergistically with iron to enhance better nutrient absorption and utilization.
  5. Selenium supports thyroid function, which is important for metabolism and nutrient absorption.

This nutrient synergy ensures that your body efficiently absorbs and uses the wide array of vitamins and minerals from beef heart.

Ready to supercharge your nutrient absorption and give your body the support it deserves? Our beef heart capsules are your ticket to unlocking the incredible benefits of this powerhouse organ. Our convenient supplements allow you to easily incorporate all the nutrient-dense goodness of beef heart into your daily routine, so your body has everything it needs to thrive.


Beef heart supplement by One Earth Health, 100% grass-fed and finished beef that offers numerous health benefits


Nutrition Facts About Beef Heart


Beef heart is a lean, mean, nutrient-dense machine packed with all sorts of good stuff your body craves. What's even better is that heart meat is surprisingly low in the things you might want to avoid, such as cholesterol, fat, and carbs. 

According to USDA’s FoodData Central, a 100-gram serving of raw heart meat contains:

  • Energy: 112kcal
  • Protein: 17.7g
  • Total fat: 3.94g
  • Carbohydrates: 0.14g
  • Cholesterol: 124mg


While raw beef heart is incredibly nutrient-dense, some of these nutritional values change when the meat is cooked. FoodData Central shows that a 100-gram serving of cooked beef heart provides an impressive 28.5 grams of high-quality, easily digestible protein. The apparent increase in protein content is a result of moisture loss during cooking. 

When the meat is cooked, water evaporates, which concentrates the remaining nutrients, including protein, in the reduced volume of the meat. The total amount of protein in the meat remains the same; it is only the protein content per gram of cooked meat that increases because there is less water content.


Mineral Content of Beef Heart


Minerals in beef heart provide a wealth of nutrients that support various bodily functions. From iron and zinc to selenium and copper, this organ meat is packed with minerals that work together to keep your body running smoothly. 

Let’s take a look at the mineral content of 100g of raw beef heart meat:

Calcium (Ca)


Iron (Fe)


Magnesium (Mg)


Phosphorus (P)


Potassium (K)


Zinc (Zn)


Copper (Cu)


Manganese (Mn)


Selenium (Se)


Sodium (Na)


Vitamin Content of Beef Heart


Beef heart is a treasure trove of water-soluble vitamins. It contains all of the B vitamins and a hefty amount of vitamin C. However, it's not a significant source of fat-soluble vitamins. Here’s the vitamin content of beef heart (per 100 grams of raw meat):

Vitamin C


B1 (thiamin)


B2 (riboflavin)


B3 (niacin)


B5 (pantothenic acid)


B6 (pyridoxine)


B9 (folate)


B12 (cobalamin)



This incredibly nutritious organ meat is important to consume in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet. Organ meats have many health benefits. They are a fantastic way to naturally boost your intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds. 

If you want to take your nutrition to the next level, choose grass-fed beef organs whenever possible. 


How Often Should You Eat Beef Heart?


For a balanced diet, include beef heart 1–2 times per week. This way, you can reap the nutritional benefits while avoiding excessive intake of certain nutrients. Just a couple of servings weekly can rev up your nutrient intake and keep you feeling great. Plus, by not overdoing it, you give your body a chance to process all those good vitamins and minerals without any extra strain. 

Too much beef heart leads to an excessive intake of certain nutrients, which may have some potentially adverse health effects. Possible contraindications of consuming beef heart in excessive amounts include:

  • Iron overload: too much iron from beef heart may lead to a condition called hemochromatosis (excessive iron amounts), which can damage the liver and other vital organs.
  • Gout: the high purine content in beef heart may exacerbate gout symptoms.
  • Kidney issues: those with kidney problems may want to limit their intake of beef heart. Its high protein content may put a strain on the kidneys.
  • Interaction with blood thinners: vitamin K content in beef heart may interfere with the effectiveness of blood-thinning medications.

If you have pre-existing health conditions or you’re taking certain medications, consult your healthcare provider before adding beef heart to your diet.


Does Heart Meat Taste Good?


Beef heart has a unique, rich flavor that many people find delicious. It has a slightly firmer texture than regular muscle meat. When prepared properly, beef heart can be a tender and flavorful delicacy as is in many cuisines around the world. Cooking methods such as grilling, sautéing, or braising enhance the natural flavors of the heart, giving you a mouthwatering and savory dish.

Not everyone enjoys the taste of beef organs such as heart, kidney, or liver. Some people may find the flavor too strong or the texture unappealing. If you're one of them—but you still want to reap the impressive health benefits of this rich organ meat—our beef heart supplement is the perfect solution.

Packed with all the essential nutrients of beef heart in a convenient, tasteless capsule, it unlocks the transformative health benefits of heart meat without compromising on taste preferences.


Try One Earth Health’s Beef Heart Supplements


One Earth Health offers the highest quality grass-fed organ supplements on the market. Our beef heart and other organ supplements contain ethically sourced organ meat from small family farms where cattle graze on lush green pastures. By supporting these farms, we promote regenerative agriculture practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and sustainable land management. This way we ensure that our products are free from questionable additives, fillers, or artificial ingredients. 

In addition to our beef heart supplement, we offer a powerful blend of nutrient-dense beef organ supplements featuring liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and trachea. Our supplements allow you to experience the benefits of nose-to-tail nutrition without the hassle of preparing the organ meats yourself.

Choose One Earth Health for the best grass-fed beef heart and other beef organ supplements, and give your body the nutritional support it deserves. 


Beef Heart Benefits FAQ

Is it safe to eat beef heart rare?


Many people enjoy rare beef heart for its flavor and texture, but it’s safer to cook it to at least medium-rare. Cooking beef heart to an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) reduces the risk of foodborne illness caused by disease-causing germs that may be present in raw meat.


Is beef heart good for skin?


Beef heart is packed with nutrients that support healthy skin. The first one is high-quality protein, which provides the amino acid building blocks necessary for collagen production. Collagen maintains skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Plus, the antioxidant content in beef heart thanks to CoQ10 protects your skin from oxidative stress.


What is the healthiest beef organ?


All beef organs offer unique nutritional benefits, but liver meat is often considered the healthiest because of its exceptional nutrient density. Beef heart is a close second, providing a wealth of protein, CoQ10, B vitamins, and essential minerals such as iron and zinc. To reap the benefits of all beef organs, incorporate different types of organ meat into your diet to ensure you get a wide range of bioavailable nutrients.


Is beef heart good for you?


Beef heart is an excellent source of lean protein, CoQ10, and other vital nutrients that support your health and vitality. Its impressive nutrient profile promotes cardiovascular health, boosts energy levels, and supports brain function. The highly bioavailable proteins and antioxidants in beef heart can help improve body composition and protect against chronic diseases.


What are the benefits of beef heart for dogs?


Beef heart is a nutrient-dense, easily digestible protein source that supports your dog's health. It's rich in taurine, an amino acid essential for heart health, and provides a balanced fatty acid profile that promotes healthy skin and coat. The iron content in beef heart also maintains proper blood flow and oxygenation. When fed as part of a balanced diet, beef heart can be a nutritious and beneficial addition to your dog's meal plan.




FoodData Central. (n.d.-e).

FoodData Central. (n.d.-f).


Further Reading


Are beef organs keto-friendly?

How much vitamin A is in beef heart?

Is heart meat high in cholesterol?

Vitamin C content of beef liver

Vitamin B12 content of beef kidney meat

How do beef organs support muscle health?

Can beef organ meat combat cancer?

How much iron is in beef organs?

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