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Ever wish you could drop 90 pounds in just a few months, feel the most energetic you've ever been, and basically become a new, healthier you?

It's not a fantasy - it's possible with a little something known as the carnivore diet. And we have many carnivore diets before and after stories to prove it!

Just ask Michael McCain. Weighing in at 300 pounds at age 46, he knew something had to change. He tried all the usual solutions – fasting, keto – but nothing really stuck.

Then he stumbled upon the carnivore diet, an all-meat eating plan that sounded crazy but promised big results. Not only did Michael lose the weight, but his lifelong skin problems vanished, and he felt better than ever.

Don't you feel curious right now? You should be. The carnivore diet is gaining traction for its supposed power to bring about some amazing health benefits.

Think major weight loss, a happier gut, and even relief from long-term conditions. But is it too good to be true?

In this article, we're getting into the nitty-gritty of the carnivore diet. We'll break down how it works, the science behind it, and most importantly, what actually happens to people who give it a shot.

You'll get an overview on the carnivore diet results, rules, potential perks (and risks), and advice from nutrition pros. We'll even show you the ropes on starting the diet, dealing with common hiccups, and whether it's something you can stick with long-term.

So, whether you're seriously considering going full-on carnivore, just curious, or think it's the craziest thing you've ever heard, stick around.

We're about to uncover the transformative potential of this controversial diet and hear straight from the people who've experienced the surprising health benefits.

What Is The Carnivore Diet?

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So, what exactly is the carnivore diet? It's trending quite a bit right now, but it's actually based on the way our ancestors supposedly ate.

Big names like Joe Rogan and Dr. Jordan Peterson have made it a hot topic. They believe that a diet purely focused on animal products is the secret ingredient for awesome health.

Basically, the carnivore diet is a super strict plan where you only eat animal foods – think meat, fish, eggs, and some dairy. That's it. No plants allowed, so forget about fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, or seeds.

It sounds extreme, right? The idea is that humans are designed to thrive on a diet similar to our early ancestors, who mostly ate meat.

Here's an overview of the rules of the carnivore diet:

  • Animal foods ONLY.
  • Zero plant-based foods or processed food.
  • Load up on fat for energy.
  • Hydrate with water and bone broth (coffee and tea are okay, but not too much).
  • What's on the Menu:

  • Red meats like beef, pork, and lamb.
  • Poultry (chicken, turkey).
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Eggs.
  • Some dairy (cheese, butter, heavy cream – in moderation).
  • Animal fats (lard, tallow).
  • What's Off-Limits:

  • Fruits and veggies.
  • Grains and beans.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Sugar and sweeteners.
  • Plant-based oils.
  • The idea is that plants are not only unnecessary but can actually be harmful. They supposedly contain things that mess with your nutrient absorption and cause inflammation and tummy troubles.

    By ditching them, the theory goes, you'll be in top shape by focusing on nutrient-dense animal foods that have everything you need.

    But wait, there's more! Fans of the diet say it can help you lose weight, think more clearly, boost energy, and even get relief from chronic health problems. Plus, it's pretty simple compared to other diets that have a million rules.

    The Science Behind the Carnivore Diet

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    Okay, let's now jump into the science of all this. The carnivore diet before and after transformations are quite controversial in the nutrition world, so naturally, it's got its fans and its skeptics.

    To figure out what's really going on, we have to look at the research and see what the experts say.

    What Does the Research Say?

    There are a lot of stories and some studies that suggest the carnivore diet can be a game-changer for your mental health (and physical health!).

    Dr. Shawn Baker (the founder of the Carnivore Diet), for example, tracked his own experience and claims he saw massive benefits like weight loss, clearer thinking, and even relief from his arthritis.

    One study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in 2018 backs up the idea that a high-protein, high-fat diet is good for your metabolic health and overall metabolism.

    It shows that this kind of diet can make your body better at using insulin, lower inflammation, and help you burn fat. That matches up with what a lot of carnivore dieters experience with regards to health benefits.

    But critics are still not convinced. They worry that skipping out on fiber and other good stuff found in plants could be bad news.

    A review published in the British Medical Journal in 2019 raised concerns about potential nutrient deficiencies and whether you can really stick to an all-meat diet long-term.

    Carnivore diet fans counter that the nutrients in animal products are easier for your body to use, so you might not actually be missing out.


    The carnivore diet throws the usual nutrition advice out the window. It's all about protein and fat, and carbs are completely off the table. Let's take a look at the breakdown.

  • Protein: More than usual, about 25-30% of your daily calories.
  • Fat: The main component, around 70-75% of your daily calories.
  • Carbs: Basically zero, less than 1% of your daily calories.
  • Compare that to the standard advice from the USDA:

  • Protein: 10-35% of daily calories.
  • Fat: 20-35% of daily calories.
  • Carbs: 45-65% of daily calories.
  • Quite a difference, isn't it? If fats and protein are so high, then how do you lose weight in the carnivore diet? There's an answer for that.

    The carnivore diet high in fat and protein kicks your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of sugar.

    Ketosis has been linked to a bunch of benefits, like sharper thinking, more energy, and steadier blood sugar.

    Note: Keep in mind that once your body enters ketosis, you should completely limit your carbs because once you start having sugar again, your body will exit ketosis and go back to using sugar for energy.

    Pros and Cons of the Carnivore Diet

    Alright, let's weigh the good and the not-so-good of the carnivore diet. Like any eating plan, it's got its perks and its drawbacks. So, let's break it down.

      Pros Cons
    1 Carnivore Eating Simplicity: No calorie counting or complex meal prep. Nutrient Deficiencies: Risk of missing key nutrients like vitamin C and fiber.
    2 Weight Loss: High protein keeps you full, leading to reduced calorie intake and thus helps in losing weight. Cholesterol Concerns: High saturated fat intake may raise cholesterol levels.
    3 Mental Clarity: Improved focus and mental clarity due to stable blood sugar. Social Challenges: Limited options make social eating challenging.
    4 Reduced Inflammation: Reduced chronic pain by eliminating plant-based triggers. Digestive Troubles: Potential for digestive issues like constipation due to lack of fiber.
    5 Gut Health: May alleviate IBS symptoms by cutting out fiber. Monotony: Diet can become boring and hard to stick to long-term.
    6 Reduced Allergies: Avoidance of common allergens like gluten and soy. Initial Adjustment Syndrome: Initial side effects include fatigue, headaches, and cravings.
    7 Potential for Healing: Anecdotal reports of improvements in autoimmune and metabolic syndromes. Long-Term Questions: Limited research on long-term health impacts.

    So, there you have it—the pros and cons of the carnivore diet. It's definitely not for everyone, but it could be a game-changer for some.

    Before and After: Real-Life Carnivore Diet Weight Loss Results

    Ready for some real-life carnivore diet before and after transformations? Let's hear from folks, from celebs to regular people, who've actually gone all-in on meat and see what happened.

    Joe Rogan

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    This man probably needs no introduction. Joe Rogan, the comedian, UFC commentator, and host of a massively popular podcast, decided to give the carnivore diet a try for a whole month. And of course, his millions of followers were all ears.

    What were the results? Rogan dropped 12 pounds, felt way more energized, and even noticed improvements in his autoimmune condition, vitiligo. He said, "This is as good as I've felt in a long time, and it's just one month."

    But it wasn't all smooth sailing. Rogan did mention some initial discomforts such as a bout of explosive diarrhea, but those thankfully subsided after a couple of weeks. His experience is a testament to how quickly the carnivore diet can shake things up.

    Eddie Abbew

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    You would definitely have seen this man on your TikTok and Instagram feeds in the past few months. Eddie Abbew, a former bodybuilder, and gym owner is another carnivore convert.

    Four years ago, he was feeling run down with low energy and painful joints due to weight gain. That's when he decided to overhaul his diet.

    Eddie's new mantra? High fat, high protein, and minimal carbs. He's a big fan of eggs and liver, and he steers clear of processed foods and sugar.

    "I eat meat and a boatload of eggs," he says. "And I swear, I feel more energy than I did in my 30s." Eddie's been sharing his journey on social media through his handle @eddie_abbew, inspiring millions with his newfound energy and healthy habits.

    For Eddie, the carnivore diet has been a total game-changer. It's not just about physical changes; it's about feeling revitalized and healthier overall.

    Joe Rogan and Eddie Abbew aren't the only ones seeing results on the carnivore diet. Let's hear from some regular folks who've also transformed their lives with this all-meat approach.

    Josh Allen: Lost 155 Pounds

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    Josh Allen's carnivore journey is pretty incredible. He was tipping the scales at 370 pounds back in 2017 when he knew he needed to make a change.

    He started with a traditional keto diet (lots of meat and very few carbs), then went full carnivore 11 months ago. The difference? Huge.

    "Does Carnivore improve body composition? I can confidently say yes it indeed does," Josh shared. "I feel better than I did in my 20s."

    And he lost weight, a whopping 155 pounds, without even hitting the gym that hard. He credits the carnivore diet for its simplicity and effectiveness, and he's encouraging others to give it a shot.

    Courtney Luna: Lost 45 Pounds

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    Courtney Luna's story is all too familiar: years of fancy dieting with no lasting success. Even a low-carb keto diet couldn't stop her from obsessing over food. But in May 2022, she switched to a strict carnivore diet, ditching fruits and sugary treats.

    "I have also lost 45 pounds so far," she said. "May marked one year of starting this new diet, and I feel amazing."

    Courtney's not just talking about weight loss, though. She feels mentally free and healthier overall, and she encourages others to try the carnivore diet for at least 30 days.

    Hadi Doumit: Lost 191 Pounds

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    Hadi Doumit's story is truly inspiring. He was battling a bunch of health issues at his heaviest weight of 405 pounds. But after a wake-up call from his doctor in 2015, he decided to take action.

    "In one year, I lost 191 pounds," Hadi said. "All I did was focus on my nutrition." And it wasn't just about the weight loss.

    A year later, his doctor was amazed by how much his health had improved. He didn't even need medication anymore! Hadi credits the carnivore diet for his incredible transformation.

    Cherise Van Niekerk: Healing from Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

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    Cherise Van Niekerk's health took a nosedive in 2017 after a bad reaction to an antibiotic. She was hit with a bunch of awful symptoms: allergies, digestive problems, vision and hearing issues, brain fog, you name it.

    Her heart rate even dropped to a scary low 38 beats per minute at night. It was a rough time.

    After struggling for a while, she switched from a plant-based diet to one that focused on meat and fat. Eventually, she went full carnivore. The change was incredible. "The gains I have felt and seen during this time are indescribable," Cherise shared.

    "All the symptoms mentioned have gone away, and I have even started ice skating and working out. Health feels WONDERFUL!" Her story is a powerful example of how the carnivore diet can be a lifeline for people with serious health problems.

    Isaiah Caldwell: Lost 210 Pounds

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    Isaiah Caldwell, a 28-year-old salesman, was facing fertility issues and other health concerns at his heaviest weight of 434 pounds. He knew he needed to make a change, so he went for the carnivore diet – meat, eggs, and dairy only.

    The results were impressive. He lost 21 pounds in the first month alone, and the benefits went beyond just the scale. "I felt unbelievable even one week; psychologically I felt so much better, my brain fog was totally gone," he said.

    After ten months and 118 pounds lighter, Isaiah added some bodybuilding workouts and careful calorie tracking to his exercise routine. He ended up losing a total of 210 pounds! Now at a healthy weight, he and his wife are excited about starting a family.

    His message to others? "If anyone is thinking maybe they can't do it, they should know that I felt exactly like that too. It felt impossible and hopeless, but everyone is capable of it."

    These stories show that the carnivore diet can be a powerful tool for change - not just for the wealthy and famous, but also for thousands of ordinary people around the world.

    How To Start The Carnivore Diet

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    So, you're ready to take the carnivore diet challenge? It might seem a little intimidating at first, but don't worry, we've got your back.

    Here's the full breakdown on how to get started, along with some helpful tips for meal planning, finding good quality meat, and dealing with any initial weirdness your body might throw your way.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Going Carnivore

  • Step 1: Do Your Homework - Before diving in, learn everything you can about the carnivore diet. Understand the basics, the potential benefits, and any challenges you might face. You can check out books like "The Carnivore Diet" by Dr. Shawn Baker or find reliable info online.
  • Step 2: Ditch the Junk - Start by cutting out processed foods, sugary stuff, and grains. This will help your body adjust to fewer carbs and get ready for the full transition.
  • Step 3: Slow and Steady - Gradually increase the amount of animal-based foods you're eating while cutting back on plant-based stuff. This will make the transition easier on your body.
  • Step 4: Full Carnivore Mode - Once you're ready, commit to eating ONLY animal products. We're talking only meat, fish, eggs, and maybe a bit of dairy. Say goodbye to all plant-based foods, even fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, and seeds.
  • Carnivore Meal Planning 101 - Tips & Tricks

  • Mix it up: Don't just eat the same meat every day. Try different kinds like beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and fish to get a variety of nutrients. Organ meats like liver are packed with good stuff too.
  • Quality over quantity: Find the best meat you can afford. Grass-fed beef, pasture-raised poultry, and wild-caught fish are ideal. They're usually more nutritious and don't contain antibiotics or hormones.
  • Don't fear the fat: Make sure you're getting enough fat to fuel your body. Fatty cuts of meat like ribeye, pork belly, and lamb shoulder are your friends. You can also use animal fats like lard and tallow for cooking.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Drink plenty of water. Bone broth is another good option because it provides electrolytes and minerals.
  • Dealing with the Initial Discomfort

  • Electrolytes: Headaches, feeling tired, or dizzy at the beginning could mean your electrolytes are out of whack. Make sure you're getting enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Adding a pinch of salt to your water can help.
  • Digestive Changes: Your tummy might be a little confused at first. Some people get constipated or have diarrhea. Stay hydrated and eat those fatty meats to help things along.
  • Cravings: You might crave carbs and sugar in the beginning, but don't give in! Eating enough fat and protein will help curb those cravings. Over time, your body will adjust.
  • Sample Meal Plan for the First Week

    Still confused on how to get started and what to eat? We've got you sorted with a specially curated sample meal plan to get you through that first week!

    Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner
    1 Scrambled eggs cooked in butter, bacon Grilled ribeye steak Roasted chicken thighs with skin
    2 Omelet with cheese and sausage Pork chops cooked in lard Baked salmon with bone broth
    3 Fried eggs and beef patties Lamb chops Ground beef stir-fried in tallow
    4 Hard-boiled eggs, cheese slices Turkey breast cooked in butter Ribeye steak
    Day 5 Scrambled eggs with cheese Grilled pork ribs Pan-fried cod in butter
    6 Bacon and eggs Beef liver and onions (optional if onions fit your plan) Roasted duck breast
    7 Omelet with cheese and bacon Grilled chicken wings T-bone steak

    Transitioning to the carnivore diet takes commitment, but with these steps and tips, you'll be well on your way. Remember, everyone's body reacts differently, so listen to yours and make adjustments as needed.

    Common Challenges of the Carnivore Diet (and Solutions!)

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    Okay, let's be real — the carnivore diet before and after experiences aren't always a walk in the park. There are some common hurdles you might face, but don't worry, we've got solutions and some motivational pep talks to get you through them.

    Dietary Boredom

    The Challenge: Eating only animal products can get old fast, and you might be tempted to cheat.

    The Solution:

  • Mix it up: As we mentioned before, get creative with your meat choices. Try different cuts, different animals, and don't forget those nutrient-packed organ meats like liver.
  • Cook it up: Grill it, roast it, slow-cook it, fry it — there are so many ways to prepare meat. Spices and herbs can add a ton of flavor too.
  • Get inspired: Check out carnivore-friendly recipes online. Meatza (pizza with a meat crust), anyone? Or maybe a hearty bone broth soup?
  • Motivation Tip: Remember why you started this diet and how awesome you've been feeling. Keep a food journal to track your progress, and you'll be amazed at how far you've come.

    Social Challenges

    The Challenge: Social gatherings and eating out can be tough when you're on a strict carnivore diet (also known as an elimination diet).

    The Solution:

  • Plan ahead: If you're going to a restaurant, scope out the menu online first. Most places have meat dishes, and you can always ask for modifications.
  • BYOM (Bring Your Own Meat): For parties and potlucks, bring a dish you can enjoy. It's a great way to make sure you're not left out and to introduce others to the carnivore way.
  • Communicate: Talk to your friends and family about your diet. Their support can make things a lot easier.
  • Motivation Tip: Focus on the positive changes you've experienced. Sharing your success stories with others might even inspire them!

    Dealing with the Side Effects

    The Challenge: At the beginning, you might experience some funky stuff like fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, or cravings.

    The Solution:

  • Electrolytes: Make sure you're getting enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium. A pinch of salt in your water or some electrolyte supplements can work wonders.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water and bone broth throughout the day.
  • Fat is your friend: Make sure you're eating enough fatty meats and animal fats for energy.
  • Slow and steady: If the side effects are too much, slow down your transition and give your body more time to adjust.
  • Motivation Tip: Remember, these side effects are usually temporary and part of the process. Keep your eyes on the prize—a healthier, happier you!

    Nutrient Concerns

    The Challenge: You might worry about missing out on nutrients without plant-based foods.

    The Solution:

  • Organ meats: Eat those liver, heart, and kidney—they're nutritional powerhouses.
  • Bone broth: This stuff is liquid gold, packed with nutrients that are good for your gut.
  • Supplements (maybe): You might need some supplements, but many carnivore dieters find they get everything they need from animal products.
  • Motivation Tip: Keep track of your health with regular check-ups and blood tests. Seeing the positive changes in your numbers will keep you motivated.

    Mental and Emotional Adjustments

    The Challenge: Changing your eating habits can mess with your head.

    The Solution:

  • Support groups: Find online communities or local groups where you can connect with fellow carnivores for support and encouragement.
  • Set goals: Create clear, achievable goals for your diet and health. Celebrate every victory, no matter how small.
  • Mindfulness and stress management: Meditation, yoga, or whatever helps you chill out can be super helpful during this transition.
  • Motivation Tip: Keep reminding yourself why you're doing this. A strong "why" will keep you going when things get tough.

    By tackling these common challenges head-on, you'll be well on your way to succeeding in the carnivore diet.

    Final Thoughts

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    So, there you have it – the carnivore diet in all its meaty glory. It's a different way of thinking about food, and it's definitely not your typical diet plan.

    If you're looking for a simple, potentially transformative approach to eating, the carnivore diet and carnivore eating might be worth exploring.

    The stories we've shared show that it can lead to some pretty amazing changes, from weight loss to improved energy levels to relief from health issues.

    But remember, it's important to go into this with your eyes wide open. This diet isn't a magic bullet, and it comes with potential risks and challenges. Listen to your body, talk to your doctor, and don't be afraid to make adjustments along the way.

    Ultimately, your health journey is just that – yours. The carnivore diet might be the path you've been looking for, or it might not be the right fit.

    But whatever you decide, the most important thing is to make informed choices and prioritize your well-being. Here's to your health!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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    We understand that you might still have some questions related to the carnivore diet. Here are some of the most commonly asked ones.

    Q.1. How long does it take to see the results from a carnivore diet?

    Ans. It really depends on the person! Some lucky folks notice a boost in energy and smoother digestion within just a few days or weeks. For bigger changes like weight loss or relief from those nagging health issues, it usually takes about 1 to 3 months. If you're dealing with chronic conditions, you might need to give it several months or even a year to see the full effects.

    Q.2. How much weight can I lose in a month on the carnivore diet?

    Ans. There's no magic number here in losing weight. It all depends on your starting weight, how well you stick to the diet, exercise, and your body's unique metabolism. But on average, people tend to drop between 10 to 20 pounds in that first month. Keep in mind, some of that is water weight, but hey, it's still progress!

    Q.3. What is the success rate for the carnivore diet?

    Ans. Harvard conducted a pretty interesting survey in 2021, asking over 2,000 carnivore dieters about their experience after at least six months. In this Harvard carnivore study, a whopping 95% said their overall health had improved, 91% noticed better control over hunger and cravings, and 89% reported more energy. Plus, 93% of those who were overweight or obese saw some serious improvements or even got rid of those extra pounds altogether. Sounds promising, right?

    Q.4. Do you lose weight quicker on a keto or carnivore diet?

    Ans. Both diets can help you shed pounds, but some people find the carnivore diet to be a faster track in losing weight than ketogenic diet. It's simpler to follow, and the high protein and fat combo really fills you up. Keto has a bit more wiggle room with the food choices, so it's easier to accidentally eat more calories. But ultimately, how fast you lose weight boils down to how well you stick to the plan and how your body reacts to it.

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