No Oat Overnight "Oatmeal"

Oatmeal is not a ketogenic food, as it is based primarily off oats, which is mostly carbs so here we have the NO OAT oatmeal!

  • 6 tbsp flax seeds
  • 2 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp crushed pecans
  • 5 tbsp organic coconut milk
  • 5 tbsp organic coconut milk
  • ¼ tsp of stevia

  • How to prepare:
    1. Stack up the ingredients in the order as listed.
    2. Stir it all up to have an even consistency.
    3. Refrigerate overnight.
    4. You can top in blueberry if you want in the morning.

    Serving: 1
    Nutrition Facts:

    Grams Calories Percentage
    Protein 12 46.4 5.78%
    Fat 71 637.7 79.46%
    Carbohydrates 30 118.5 14.76%

     TOTAL CALORIES :                 802.6

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