Recently, the prevalence of the low carbs or keto foods has been snowballing, particularly amongst the health-conscious people looking for a way out of the bad eating habits of the modern lifestyle. There is no denying, the low carb or keto diet has worked for many weight-watchers, and lately, there has been the influx of followers entering the keto space with skepticism. 


The keto diet can deliver numerous advantages like weight loss, hormonal equilibrium, promote mental cognition, and heal diseases like epilepsy and diabetes. However, how fast you can claim these perks rest solely on how fast the body gets into ketosis. 


In this post, we’ll discuss a popular question amongst keto beginners; how long does it take to enter into ketosis? I’ve also compiled all the things you need to recognize about ketosis like how to know you’ve entered ketosis and the things you can do to endure in ketosis and get supreme benefits. 


Ready? Let’s get started!


Normally, the body burns carbs/glucose for energy. When you eat ketogenic meals, you ingest fewer carbs and calories, forcing the body to metabolize stored fats to generate bodies known as ketones which are used for strength in the body. The metabolic state, when your body is utilizing ketones rather than glucose, is called ketosis. [1

One fascinating fact is that when eating well-balanced meals the body remains in complete control of the amount of fat it can burn. When you exclude carbs or calories from the diet, the body fights to adjust and enter ketosis. The transformation is not an easy undertaking and how long it takes to enter into ketosis has been the subject of discussion for years now. 

If you are a keto foods beginner, you may want to start your keto intake journey knowing how long it can take you to enter into ketosis.    

how long does it take to enter into ketosis?

The main reason why people take the keto diet is to help their bodies enter ketosis. When your body enters this unique metabolic state, you enjoy unprecedented perks such as the reduced risk of heart disease, mental clarity, weight loss, and neuroprotective advantages. Losing weight is the most coveted benefit of entering ketosis. It’s also the stimulus for many ketogenic enthusiasts. 


When you decrease carbohydrates intake, the amount of glucose drops. This makes the body to utilize the glucose (glycogen) stored in your liver. Continued consumption of ketogenic diet enables the body to deplete all the glycogen. During this time, the levels of insulin fall thanks to the insufficiency of carbs/glucose in the body. 


The lowering of insulin amounts signals the body to start metabolizing fat for energy. Subsequently, the liver starts generating ketones to cater to the expanding demands for energy in the body. Ultimately, the body enters into ketosis and depends on constant streams of energy from ketones.[2


It is hard to declare definitively the number of days it will take to complete this process since it depends on various factors like the body metabolism, prior nutrition, and exercise level. In a nutshell, if you restrict the body to a low net carb limit (about 25g/day), it will take you 2-4 days to shift to ketosis, but for others, it can take up to 10 days.[3] [4


The body can enter into mild ketosis within the first day of your ketogenic journey. However, when in mild ketosis you’ll not encounter any benefits. The body will have to raise the number of ketones in your blood to at least 1.5-3 mmol/L to enter complete ketosis. Attaining these ketones limits is a hard nut to crack, primarily if your keto intake is not accompanied by physical exercises. 


Blending keto food with physical training can help you reach ketosis faster. Additionally, decreasing your everyday carb consumption can also accelerate ketosis.[5]


There are a few signs that shows the body is in a metabolic state. The most prevalent ketosis sign is the ketogenic flu which encompasses signs such as fatigue, headache, increased thirst, and maybe vomiting. (Hint: make sure you manage your electrolytes to prevent keto flu). Other signs can include insomnia, subdued appetite, frequent urination, and weight loss.[6


While the ketogenic flu symptoms provide the signs you need to understand the body is in ketosis, the most accurate way to know if you are into ketosis is examining the amount of ketones in the blood. There are 3 forms of ketones: acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate. The best way to estimate the level of ketones is by using blood ketone meter and if you’re on a budget, keto urine strips should be good enough.

how many carbohydrates can you eat to stay in ketosis?

On average, most dieters enter ketosis by consuming 20-30g net carbs daily. Entering ketosis is one of the most difficult parts, but once the body transitions you can raise the daily carb level to 50g if you also workout. In summary, the exact quantity of carbs you should eat to stay in ketosis will depend on the body reaction to increased carb levels and your daily activity.


The keto or low carb diet has gained massive popularity in past few years. Lately, there are tones of resources online to guide you through the keto journey. However, as good as it sounds, it’s recommended that you seek advice from your medical professional before adopting any extreme dietary change, such as the ketogenic diet. 


With the right information, the keto diet is not difficult. Going into ketosis is easy and seamless. Once you enter ketosis, there is no boundary to the time you can stay there. Studies have revealed that staying in ketosis for a long time can cause no harm to the body. [7]



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