Coconut Oatmeal

A fast and healthy breakfast cereal or high-energy snack. Coconut oatmeal with any keto toppings you wish!

  • 2 eggs
  • 150 ml of coconut milk
  • 20 grams of coconut flour
  • 1or 2 tbsp butter or ghee

  • How to prepare:
    1. Whisk eggs till frothy, add milk, coconut flour, and sweetener.
    2. Cook stirring till it thickens.
    3. Add butter and any toppings to taste.
    4. You can put cinnamon and strawberries and this is sweet enough for without any stevia.

    Serving: 1
    Nutrition Facts:

    Grams Calories Percentage
    Protein 15 60.2 11.97%
    Fat 41 371.9 73.95%
    Carbohydrates 18 70.8 14.08%

     TOTAL CALORIES :            502.9


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