Is Dry Fasting Safe

Until a few years ago, nutritionists didn't recommend starvation as a weight loss method. It was considered counterproductive in people who wanted to lose pounds and improve their health that way. Some nutrition experts still propagate fasting negatively; according to them, it brings more harm than good for human health, and you should never starve for weight loss. [1]

This fact is partly true. Our organism needs energy from food to perform vital functions. On the other hand, non-taking food triggers processes in our body that will generate energy from existing reserves (fat deposits). These facts divided dietitians into two courses - those who support fasting, and those who prefer balanced food intake. Both practices have a large number of followers. 


But it seems that a winning combination is a 'mixture' of these methods. So they came up with a new, successful method, dry fasting. 

explanation of dry fasting

Explanation of Dry FastingDry fasting is a successful method to lose weight, but also to promote general health. It involves restraining food and fluids during a given time frame. Many world religions have been practicing fasting for thousands of years as a way of cleansing the mind and body. Modern medicine has accepted it as a proven method for treating diseases, but also weight correction.

Two Types of Dry Fasting

This method can be practiced in two ways, as prolonged or intermittent fasting. The only difference is in the time during which you don't take food and water. Prolonged dry fasting last 24 hours, but you shouldn't do that frequently. Water is an essential element for human health, and you shouldn't stop drinking it. The state of extended dehydration can seriously endanger health. [2

So it is best to be moderate in fasting, so intermittent dry fasting is a better (and healthier) choice. It limits food intake to only a few hours a day (8 or 4 hours). It is a sustainable approach, as you have enough time to prepare and eat healthy meals. And if you drink enough water, you’ll be full for a longer period and the period of fasting will fly. 

Not the Same as Intermittent Fasting and Water Fasting 

Food retention has been used in various diet regimes. So we have a large number of diets based on fasting. Their principle is more or less the same; only the periods of food intake and fasting can vary. Some of these nutrition plans have been accepted as hospital diets, as part of preparations for surgery or therapy. 

Dry fasting can be considered as a bit more restrictive intermittent fasting. The difference is that intermittent fasting allows the intake of fluid in the period of not consuming food. You can be on this diet for a long time, until you see the results. It's precisely determined by nutritionists and medical experts, and generally, considered safe. 

Water fasting is (almost) ultimate variation of starvation-based diets. Medical experts suggest it should last from 24h to three days, not longer[2]. During fasting, you drink only water, so you see how it differs dry fasting. The effects of this strict regime can be very intense. To avoid possible health risks, don't start it without medical consultation and supervision. 


It is known that the human body consists mostly of water, more precisely, more than 60%.[2] In some organs, this percentage is even higher. A large part of the excessive weight is also water. Some studies say almost half of the excess pounds are ‘liquid.’

Body water percentage

When we don't drink water for a while, our body begins to waste its reserves. At the same time, it limits water excretion (sweating and wetting) and produces metabolic water. This process uses energy from stored body fats. This affects the reduction of fat reserves, but not so much. 

Also, dry fasting solely is not a long-term solution. These pounds will return as soon as you start with the usual food intake. So you have to combine dry fasting with calorie cut and a healthy and balanced diet, like Keto, to get the best results.


Our organism needs a constant energy source for smooth functioning. During fasting, it relies on glycogen reserves. When these fall to a minimal level (which can have negative consequences for health), the body starts to burn fat. It usually happens after a few days, but until then, your body is already exhausted. 


If you combine Keto with the dry fasting, fat burning will start right from day one. As the body strives to maintain hydrated, the fat consumption accelerates the ketosis. During this process, the body oxidizes fatty acids and produces ketones as a new source of energy. Then the fats become the primary source of energy; its deposits start to melt. 


Foods used in the Keto diet further stimulate the increase of ketones in the organism. Also, the body adapts to accelerated fat breakdown and lower insulin levels (due to lower carb entry, which is one of the principles of the Keto diet [3]). The combination of dry fasting and Keto will ease the period of adapting to the 'regular' diet.


Periods without food and water are good for your health if you follow the rules. In addition to the apparent weight loss, occasionally dry fasting makes you more lucid and increases your brain activity. It also regulates cholesterol and glucose levels, which can be beneficial for people in the prediabetes state.[3]

If you use dry fasting with prior consultation with experts, there should be no problems. Sufficient fluid intake in the ‘non-fasting’ period should prevent dehydration[4]. However, pay special attention if you use medication or suffer from chronic illness. Consult doctors and ask for the opinion. Maybe they think dry fasting is not a good idea. Do not start this diet on your own if your health condition is disrupted any way.




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